Jian ZHENG*, Keiko TAGAMI, and Shigeo UCHID
AResearch Centerfor Radiation Protection, National Institute of Radiological Sciences,
Anagawa 4-9-1, Inage, Chiba 263-8555, Japan
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Stephanie Schneider, Clemens Walther, Stefan Bister, Viktoria Schauer, Marcus Christl,
Scientific Reports 3, Article number: 2988 doi:10.1038/srep02988
Received 12 August 2013 Accepted 02 October 2013 Published 18 October 2013
“The contamination of Japan after the Fukushima accident has been investigated mainly for volatile fission products, but only sparsely for actinides such as plutonium. Only small releases of actinides were estimated in Fukushima. Plutonium is still omnipresent in the environment from previous atmospheric nuclear weapons tests. We investigated soil and plants sampled at different hot spots in Japan, searching for reactor-borne plutonium using its isotopic ratio 240Pu/239Pu. By using accelerator mass spectrometry, we clearly demonstrated the release of Pu from the Fukushima Daiichi power plant: While most samples contained only the radionuclide signature of fallout plutonium, there is at least one vegetation sample whose isotope ratio (0.381 ± 0.046) evidences that the Pu originates from a nuclear reactor (239+240Pu activity concentration 0.49 Bq/kg). Plutonium content and isotope ratios differ considerably even for very close sampling locations, e.g. the soil and the plants growing on it. This strong localization indicates a particulate Pu release, which is of high radiological risk if incorporated….”
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'Release of plutonium isotopes from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident'
by Jian ZHENG, Keiko TAGAMI, and Shigeo UCHIDA
Research Center for Radiation Protection
National Institute of Radiological Sciences, Inage, Chiba, Japan
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Jian Zheng,a,1 Keiko Tagami,1 Yoshito Watanabe,1 Shigeo Uchida,1 Tatsuo Aono,1 Nobuyoshi Ishii,1 Satoshi Yoshida,1 Yoshihisa Kubota,1 Shoichi Fuma,1 and Sadao Ihara2
Journal List Sci Rep v.2; 2012 PMC3297203
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“…* Uranium-234 — 3.854 pCi/kg Dolly Varden
* Uranium-234 — 5.312 pCi/kg Goose Egg no shell
* Uranium-234 — 3.466 Ci/kg Gull egg
* Uranium-234 — 4.96 pCi/kg Chiton
* Uranium-234 — 9.344 pCi/kg Dragon Kelp
* Uranium-234 — 7.885 pCi/kg Rockweed
* Uranium-234 — 4.906 pCi/kg Greenling
* Uranium-234 — 2.304 pCi/kg Halibut
* Uranium-234 — 58.721 pCi/kg Horse Mussel tissue
* Uranium-234 — 8.86 pCi/kg Irish Lord
* Uranium-234 — 7.127 pCi/kg Octopus
* Uranium-234 — 4.976 pCi/kg Pacific Cod
* Uranium-234 — 4.644 pCi/kg Rockfish
* Uranium-234 — 3.032 pCi/kg Reindeer Lichen
* Uranium-234 — 3.906 pCi/kg Sea Urchin
“They also found Uranium-235, 236 and 238 in these items. Starts on Page 247….”
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Saegusa J, Kikuta Y, Akino H.
“Gamma-ray pulse height distributions were measured for a fallout sample collected at Ibaraki, Japan, during the Fukushima accident in March 2011. The fallout was collected in a pan of water and then evaporated to dryness on a stainless-steel holder. The sample was measured by a germanium detector three times over a year. In the pulse height distribution of the initial measurement, approximately 140 peaks were observed in the 50-2048 keV energy region. Most of these peaks were either total absorption peaks or sum peaks of Te, I or Cs isotopes. Unlike fallout samples at the past nuclear accidents, nuclides such as Ce and Ru were not detected whereas (110m)Ag was prominently observed. The radioactivity concentration of (137)Cs was determined to be at least 1.4×10(4) Bq m(-2), approximately 14% of which was attributed to rainout.”
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ReplyDeleteJapanese experts recently found that singing is just as effective in radiation prevention as smiling and drinking beer.
So let's sing radiation away once and for all !
Please find below my charming new song NO FUEL TODAY which is dedicated to TODAY'S FOOLS who are still dreaming the nuclear dream which - I'm sorry to say - is more of a nightmare in terms of the real world we unfortunately live in most of the time [at least we still do as of now, ha ha].
Take your copy of the lyrics, everyone ! I'm sure you all know the melody, it's a natural match, if only I was able to remember the name of that song, damned ! Total lapse of memory - must be an effect of the radiation... (of course there isn't any, right ?)
No fuel today, lost in a tragic way
The vessel stands forlorn, a symbol of the dawn
No fuel today, they state the plant's alright
but anyone who's wise knows Tepco always lies
Most of us know just what this message means
The end of mankind (and other life, it seems)
We knew for long that Fukushima scene
Has ramifications never told on TV screen
No fuel today, the pool has gone away
As water levels fell, broke loose a fire hell
But all that's left is a place dark and lonely
A crippled plant in Japan's north-eastern part
Radiation horrors don't stay local only
So we've just seen the start
No fuel today, it has been blast away
It went right through the roof, check air nuclides for proof
Where jet-stream blows, the faster all it goes
The fall-out came at once, nobody had a chance
Most of us know just what this message means
But masses still ignore it (at least so it seems)
I hope the fascists in the nuclear industry
Are panicking in fear from the bad publicity
No fuel today, it's molten down away
Through steel and concrete base, no one knows where it stays
But all that's left is a place dark and lonely
A crippled plant in Japan's north-eastern part
Radiation horrors don't stay local only
So we've just seen the start
Steam clouds today, the water's found a way
From ocean to the well, but noone's gonna tell
But all that's left is a place dark and lonely
A crippled plant in Japan's north-eastern part
Oh all that's left is a place dark and lonely
A crippled plant in Japan's north-eastern part
Oh all that's left is a place dark and lonely
A crippled plant in Japan's north-eastern part
Delightful, isn't it ? I already feel sooo much better....
Yep join up, Troll Jousting is fun, sometimes too easy.