Monday, October 22, 2012

Nuke Jousting scores a kill, LOL

This is Hilarious…on Saturday the 20th, a pronuker was attacking me and posted links to a Wisconsin nuclear site. The link he provided gave me some troll jousting fodder, and I took a shot a Kewaunee, a troubled Wisconsin nuclear plant….

2 days later….they announce the closing of the plant.

No joke, check this article on ENENews, the Kewaunee nuke plant is being mothballed for economic reasons -- as its former large buyers have developed a successful feed-in-tariff using solar PV, and of course, Nat Gas backup and generation.

Those cheeseheads ain't dumb, they are running from nuke before it kills the great lakes.

Link below is my original body shot at the Kewaunee


  1. Have you heard about the high readings in Hawaii? Now the radiation network site for Hawaii only has one location. Do you know what's going on?


    1. Not so high on my readings.....solid around 25CPM, but 2 weeks ago it went up 50% and stayed there a few days.

      Now its back down to normal, although I wish normal was 5 instead of 25 CPM
