List of Reactors

The following lists the Mark 1 reactors in the United
States, according to data from the NRC and the Nuclear
Information and Resource Service, which is opposed to nuclear
power and is critical of the Mark 1 design.
 Reactor            Location            Size (MW)     Year
Browns Ferry 1     Decatur, AL           1065        1974
Browns Ferry 2     Decatur, AL           1104        1975
Browns Ferry 3     Decatur, AL           1105        1977
Brunswick 1        Southport, NC          938        1976
Brunswick 2        Southport, NC          920        1975
Cooper             Nebraska City, NE      770        1974
Dresden 2          Morris, IL             867        1970
Dresden 3          Morris, IL             867        1971
Duane Arnold       Cedar Rapids, IA       580        1975
Hatch 1            Baxley, GA             876        1975
Hatch 2            Baxley, GA             883        1979
Fermi 2            Monroe, MI            1122        1988
Hope Creek         Hancock's Brdg, NJ    1161        1986
Fitzpatrick        Oswego, NY             854        1976
Monticello         Monticello, MN         572        1971
Nine Mile Point 1  Oswego, NY             621        1969
Oyster Creek       Toms River, NJ         615        1969
Peach Bottom 2     Lancaster, PA         1112        1974
Peach Bottom 3     Lancaster, PA         1112        1974
Pilgrim            Plymouth, MA           685        1972
Quad Cities 1      Moline, IL             867        1972
Quad Cities 2      Moline, IL             867        1972
Vermont Yankee     Vernon, VT             620        1972

Here is a more comprehensive list of US reactors and links to all of them!